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Introducing Juchnik Hanshi Signature Series DVDs!
Your customized signature series journey includes 10 DVDs personally signed by Hanshi Bruce Juchnik, a certificate of authenticity, and a free consultation with Hanshi! On your phone consultation you and Hanshi will discuss your goals in the martial arts and he will recommend the best 10 DVDs for your journey.
Supplies are limited so Order Today!
NEW Limited Collector's Edition
and FORMLESSNESS IN FORM: KATA BY BRUCE JUCHNIK HANSHI REFLECTIONS: THIS IS OUR JOURNEY: A fascinating look at the journey of all martial artists. Learn about Hanshi Bruce Juchnik's experiences with some of the greatest martial artists of our time and learn bout your own journey. FORMLESSNESS IN FORM: KATA: An in depth study of kata and why they are performed. Featuring an interview with Juchnik Hanshi, and Kata charts including DanEnSho, NaiHanNo, Mitose No Kehoe, and the newest kata to the Kosho Ryu: Goshin No Kata. Collector's Editions are available for a limited time only so order your signed copy today directly from Hanshi. |
About the Kosho Shorei Ryu Home Page

The information published herein is authorized by Bruce Juchnik Hanshi, the one and only student to be taught the full art of Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo, and its parent-art Kosho Shorei Ryu, by Great Grandmaster James M. Mitose. Juchnik Hanshi is the only person to receive Menkyo Kaiden and Inka Shomei certification in Kosho Shorei Ryu from Honorable Great Grandmaster James Mitose, who brought Kempo to the west from Japan. This information is also authorized by the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai International , an organization founded and led by Juchnik Hanshi which is dedicated to preserving the teachings of the late James M. Mitose. No other Internet presentation has this authorization.
All information found elsewhere should be verified with what is stated herein for validity and accuracy.This Internet presentation is provided by the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai so that students may have better direction in the study of the history and teachings of Kosho Ryu and Kempo. There have been many different stories that have been told in the last forty years, however, the information supplied here is provided by many authorities; by those individuals who were there at the time Mitose Sensei was first teaching in Hawaii in the 1940s and later in California. It is information which is also supported by many of the pioneers of Kempo today.
It is the purpose of this presentation to provide people with information so that truths and untruths are recognizable. Through placing this information in its proper context, students will gain good understanding of what Kempo truly is and how this beautiful practice can affect their lives in a positive way.
This presentation is a guide to the many different teachings of James M. Mitose and of Kosho Ryu Kempo.
This presentation provides martial artists eager to learn about the recent and ancient history and the art of Kempo and its parent art Kosho Shorei Ryu with a rare and valuable opportunity. Enjoy!
All information found elsewhere should be verified with what is stated herein for validity and accuracy.This Internet presentation is provided by the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai so that students may have better direction in the study of the history and teachings of Kosho Ryu and Kempo. There have been many different stories that have been told in the last forty years, however, the information supplied here is provided by many authorities; by those individuals who were there at the time Mitose Sensei was first teaching in Hawaii in the 1940s and later in California. It is information which is also supported by many of the pioneers of Kempo today.
It is the purpose of this presentation to provide people with information so that truths and untruths are recognizable. Through placing this information in its proper context, students will gain good understanding of what Kempo truly is and how this beautiful practice can affect their lives in a positive way.
This presentation is a guide to the many different teachings of James M. Mitose and of Kosho Ryu Kempo.
This presentation provides martial artists eager to learn about the recent and ancient history and the art of Kempo and its parent art Kosho Shorei Ryu with a rare and valuable opportunity. Enjoy!
Kosho Ryu Distance Learning Program
19 full length instructional videos.
2 reference manuals with over 400 pages of easy to follow content to help guide your training. Introduction to the core concepts of Kosho Ryu Relevant application of concepts that can apply to any martial art system or style. Kosho Weaponry - Sword and Jo Arts. Healing Arts - Shiatsu Massage - DVD and manual |
The Gathering an event where teachers of the martial arts come together to instruct the students.
It is a unique opportunity to experience martial arts disciplines from all over the world.
It is a unique opportunity to experience martial arts disciplines from all over the world.