Manipulatory Arts
Next in order of preference, the Kosho Bujutsuka would choose manipulatory arts. These arts, which are widely studied early in the training of Kosho Ryu students, involve folding arts such as throws, joint-locks, holds and pins, and chokes. They also include non-fatal strikes to the limbs of the attacker during his rotation. All Kosho Ryu weaponry is taught such that it can be used to manipulate and control an attacker, or escape from an attacker without causing him harm, as well as in ways which will damage or kill an attacker. Manipulatory arts would be the main Kosho Ryu bujutsu sub-arts used in the context of law enforcement. These arts are used to prevent the opponent from gaining the body posturing and body alignments necessary to effectively continue to attack, and/or subdue him without inflicting permanent injury. Of course, civilian practitioners could choose manipulatory arts as a means to make escape, or in other circumstances where escape is not an option, such as when an attacker is after a nearby child or other person who needs protection and may not be able to escape.
Next, the Kosho Ryu bujutsuka would opt for controlling strikes. This involves shocking the opponent with substantially debilitating strikes to areas which control the rotation of the body, such as the head, shoulders, hips, and legs. This vast and important study comprises much of the training time of beginners in Kempo bujutsu. |
Tony DiSarro - Renshi