Kosho Ryu Studies
Integrated study defines a true ryu,. The brush-calligraphy is no different than the throwing arts; the healing arts are no different than the destructive arts. Kosho Ryu is based on natural laws, leading to an understanding of such topics as alignment, movement such as rotation and weight-shifting, anatomy and physiology, and other constants of our world. These principles are then applied to the study of the various koryu. Proper natural alignment with your center is necessary, for instance, in quality calligraphy, healing arts, and martial arts.
The intent one has in each sub-study might be different, but the understanding one needs to perform is always based on an understanding of natural law. Understand, however, that those listed are by far not all there are to Kosho Ryu. For a basic outline (which too is only part of the study one might undertake in each area), see the section on the Sho Chiku Bai.
The intent one has in each sub-study might be different, but the understanding one needs to perform is always based on an understanding of natural law. Understand, however, that those listed are by far not all there are to Kosho Ryu. For a basic outline (which too is only part of the study one might undertake in each area), see the section on the Sho Chiku Bai.