Your customized signature series journey includes 10 DVDs personally signed by Hanshi Bruce Juchnik, a certificate of authenticity, and a free consultation with Hanshi! On your phone consultation you and Hanshi will discuss your goals in the martial arts and he will recommend the best 10 DVDs for your journey.
*Make sure to include your phone number or call 916 308-2606 to schedule your consultation.

Okuden training is focused on the highest level of proficiency in the arts. Even with a lifetime of training, only a small number of truly dedicated martial artists achieve this level of proficiency.
This text is much like The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi and The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Okuden is not only focused on combat strategies, but also is focused on natural laws and how your body adapts to changing environments. A much deeper analysis of movement and motion.
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